

  • 山楂樹
  • 心臟支持
  • 傳統上用於保護健康和快樂心臟
  • 山楂果、葉和花的協同混合物
  • 草本補充劑
  • 完整性 - 純度 - 效力,成立於 1987 年
  • 全素, 嚴格素食者
  • 無麩質
  • 無大豆
  • B 型企業認可
  • 自 1987 年以來,連接植物與人
純度 - 保持潔淨


誠信 - 保持真實


效力 - 保持優效

濃縮的植物提取物採用我們已獲專利的 Phyto-Caps® 技術進行釋放。


成年人每次 1 粒膠囊,每日 2 次,兩餐之間服用。

網路價:720元,結帳享5%折扣後 684


  • Health. Nature. Life.
  • Clinically Proven Nutrients for Nutritional Stress Function
  • Dietary Supplement
  • 30 Day Supply
  • Patented Suntheanine - L-Theanine with Only Stereoselected L-Isomer, Stimulates Normal Alpha Brain Waves
  • Sensoril - Multi-Functional Stress Inhibitor
  • Natural "Adaptogenic" Herbs with Vitamin B-Complex Nutritional Support

Providing the highest concentration of L-Theanine, scientific studies have shown Suntheanine in StressAssist stimulates normal alpha brain wave activity for deep relaxation and mental alertness without drowsiness. Sensoril is a patented, multi-functional stress inhibitor that increases resistance to stress, fatigue, and tension.

Suntheanine provides the amino acid L-theanine in a unique, purepatented form that is produced through an enzymatic fermentation process that stereoselectively only produces the L-isomer. The concentration of L-Theanine in Suntheanine is a minimum of 98%. Suntheanine crosses the blood-brain barrier, stimulating the normal, healthy production of alpha brain waves, which produces a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness, without drowsiness.

Extracted from Ashwagandha utilizing a proprietary extraction process, Sensoril contains all the desired bioactive ingredients in optimized concentrations and ratios. A multi-functional stress inhibitor, research has shown that Sensoril helps increase resistance to fatigue, stress and tension, while helping promote emotional well-being.

StressAssist provides a full spectrum of essential B vitamins, which help support adrenal function, calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and help the body adapt to stress by increasing alertness and vitality. Zinc, an essential trace element, is added for antioxidant and immune support, along with the adaptogenic herbs Eleuthero root and Rhodiola rosea. Whole, unextracted Ashwagandha root provides all the natural co-factors that nature created.

StressAssist is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAccelerators. Clinically-proven BioPerine (piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract, Trikatu, super-potenct Digezyme and Lactospore boosts digestion and absorption.

L-Theanine is a unique Amino Acid responsible for the exotic taste of green tea. Theanine acts on neurotransmitters in the brain and dosages of 50-200 mg. have demonstrated relaxation while maintaining mental alertness.

Stress Support Action Plan

Stress kills. Many unhealthy conditions, including overeating, smoking, anxiety, memory problems and sleeplessness are just some of the body's responses to stress recent surveys showed 70-90% of people feel stressed at work and in their personal lives. It's impossible to banish stress completely; the key is knowing how to manage and reduce it.


  • In addition to taking Futurebiotics StressAssist and a comprehensive multi-vitamin, general health and stress resistance can be enhanced by eating a balanced, nutritious diet including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Include foods high in quality protein, but low in fat. Reduce the amount of processed foods, sugar and caffeine, which can contribute to anxiety and nervousness.

Physical Activity

  • Because exercise promotes natural emotional well-being, it is important to include some every day.
  • Stretching exercise can be calming; include some in your daily routine.

Complementary Therapies

  • Lowering stress helps reduce the risk of other health concerns. Visualization, deep muscle relaxation and meditation are quick ways to alleviate stress during the day.
  • Use "belly breathing" whenever you feel stress to bring in more oxygen and calm your body.
  • Yoga and Tai chi are both great ways to help reduce stress.
  • Talking helps. Connect with friends, family and professional advisors. Journaling (writing things out) can also help put things in perspective.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Balance work and play by planning time for hobbies and recreation; include activities that relax both our body and mind.
  • Take a quick stress-relieving walking break as needed or do quick stress stretches.
  • Getting adequate sleep and rest helps invigorate the body naturally and reduce stress.

Measure Your Progress - Be aware of how you respond to stress and actively concentrate on strategies for success. Laughing, sharing, helping others and enjoying a variety of activities are all the tangible, positive results of keeping stress in check and protecting your health.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/fbs/fbs02507/u/3.jpg">


  • Health. Nature. Life.
  • Clinically Proven Nutrients for Nutritional Stress Function
  • Dietary Supplement
  • 30 Day Supply
  • Patented Suntheanine - L-Theanine with Only Stereoselected L-Isomer, Stimulates Normal Alpha Brain Waves
  • Sensoril - Multi-Functional Stress Inhibitor
  • Natural "Adaptogenic" Herbs with Vitamin B-Complex Nutritional Support

Providing the highest concentration of L-Theanine, scientific studies have shown Suntheanine in StressAssist stimulates normal alpha brain wave activity for deep relaxation and mental alertness without drowsiness. Sensoril is a patented, multi-functional stress inhibitor that increases resistance to stress, fatigue, and tension.

Suntheanine provides the amino acid L-theanine in a unique, purepatented form that is produced through an enzymatic fermentation process that stereoselectively only produces the L-isomer. The concentration of L-Theanine in Suntheanine is a minimum of 98%. Suntheanine crosses the blood-brain barrier, stimulating the normal, healthy production of alpha brain waves, which produces a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness, without drowsiness.

Extracted from Ashwagandha utilizing a proprietary extraction process, Sensoril contains all the desired bioactive ingredients in optimized concentrations and ratios. A multi-functional stress inhibitor, research has shown that Sensoril helps increase resistance to fatigue, stress and tension, while helping promote emotional well-being.

StressAssist provides a full spectrum of essential B vitamins, which help support adrenal function, calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and help the body adapt to stress by increasing alertness and vitality. Zinc, an essential trace element, is added for antioxidant and immune support, along with the adaptogenic herbs Eleuthero root and Rhodiola rosea. Whole, unextracted Ashwagandha root provides all the natural co-factors that nature created.

StressAssist is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAccelerators. Clinically-proven BioPerine (piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract, Trikatu, super-potenct Digezyme and Lactospore boosts digestion and absorption.

L-Theanine is a unique Amino Acid responsible for the exotic taste of green tea. Theanine acts on neurotransmitters in the brain and dosages of 50-200 mg. have demonstrated relaxation while maintaining mental alertness.

Stress Support Action Plan

Stress kills. Many unhealthy conditions, including overeating, smoking, anxiety, memory problems and sleeplessness are just some of the body's responses to stress recent surveys showed 70-90% of people feel stressed at work and in their personal lives. It's impossible to banish stress completely; the key is knowing how to manage and reduce it.


  • In addition to taking Futurebiotics StressAssist and a comprehensive multi-vitamin, general health and stress resistance can be enhanced by eating a balanced, nutritious diet including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Include foods high in quality protein, but low in fat. Reduce the amount of processed foods, sugar and caffeine, which can contribute to anxiety and nervousness.

Physical Activity

  • Because exercise promotes natural emotional well-being, it is important to include some every day.
  • Stretching exercise can be calming; include some in your daily routine.

Complementary Therapies

  • Lowering stress helps reduce the risk of other health concerns. Visualization, deep muscle relaxation and meditation are quick ways to alleviate stress during the day.
  • Use "belly breathing" whenever you feel stress to bring in more oxygen and calm your body.
  • Yoga and Tai chi are both great ways to help reduce stress.
  • Talking helps. Connect with friends, family and professional advisors. Journaling (writing things out) can also help put things in perspective.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Balance work and play by planning time for hobbies and recreation; include activities that relax both our body and mind.
  • Take a quick stress-relieving walking break as needed or do quick stress stretches.
  • Getting adequate sleep and rest helps invigorate the body naturally and reduce stress.

Measure Your Progress - Be aware of how you respond to stress and actively concentrate on strategies for success. Laughing, sharing, helping others and enjoying a variety of activities are all the tangible, positive results of keeping stress in check and protecting your health.


作為飲食的補充劑,每日2 粒,極好隨餐服用。

網路價:726元,結帳享5%折扣後 690


  • 健康。自然。生命。
  • 經過醫級驗證的營養物質,可保持正常的血管功能
  • 膳食補充劑




  • 服用 Futurebiotics VeinFactors® 和多維生素。遠離酒精,因為酒精會讓腿部靜脈擴張。
  • 食用高纖維、低脂肪膳食,包括水果、蔬菜、全穀物。
  • 鹽(鈉)也會導致過度液體瀦留和腫脹。食用其他調料與配方來調節食物味道。


  • 為了促進迴圈,可進行 30 分鐘的中等強度下肢有氧運動,如跑步、慢跑、走路、騎車。
  • 避免長時間站立,每小時都四處走動走動。
  • 在站立時,經常變換位置。


  • 保持健康的體重,減少腿部和下肢的多餘壓力。
  • 妊娠期和更年期的荷爾蒙變化,以及服用荷爾蒙,也有可能給靜脈帶來意外壓力。與醫生討論可選擇的健康方案。


  • 盡可能將腿部抬到心臟以上的地方,這樣效果更好。
  • 受傷會加重靜脈蛛網紋,所以請小心。


瞭解靜脈健康,試圖優化靜脈健康、靜脈蛛網紋和蜘蛛狀血管病的外觀。研究表明關注飲食方案能夠非常優效地保持正常靜脈功能,可堅持 3-6 個月,看看是否出現優化。與醫生一起努力控制病因,追蹤自己的進步。

  • DiosVein™ 香葉木苷-受歡迎的歐洲微粒化萃取物質,實現健康的靜脈迴圈。
  • Venocin® - 已經證明能夠保護血管的馬栗樹籽提取物
  • Centellin® - 經過科學驗證,可保持正常的靜脈功能

醫級研究證明柑橘外皮、積雪草、馬栗樹中發現的優效天然成分能夠促進正常的靜脈功能。VeinFactors® 採用專利萃取物質、傳統化合物、天然輔助因數,促進正常的靜脈功能。

香葉木苷和橘皮苷是天然的黃酮類化合物,均可從柑橘外皮中提取。香葉木苷在歐洲被廣泛使用,這裡醫級研究證明這種物質能夠維持血管健康,促進健康的腿部迴圈。VeinFactors® DioVein 的香葉木苷採用微粒化,減小營養顆粒尺寸,實現更好的吸收與效力。

Venocin® 提取物來自馬栗樹籽,標準化為 20% 的七葉樹皂苷,這種三帖酸皂苷混合物能夠去除腫脹,同時保護健康的靜脈。Centellin® 提取物來自積雪草,標準化為 8% 的總三萜化合物,研究表明這種化合物有利於促進正常的靜脈功能。



VeinFactors® 添加了 Futurebiotics 的 BioAccelerators™ 專利成分,使用效果得到顯著提升。經科學驗證的 BioPerine®(胡椒粉提取物)可提高營養物質的生物利用度,而我們專有的生薑提取物、Trikatu、特強 Digezyme® 和 LactoSpore® 天然化合物可提高消化和吸收。

在來自 23 個國家的 3174 名病人中,91% 的人每日服用 1000 毫克香葉木苷黃酮混合物,證明產品具有很好的效能。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/fbs/fbs02506/u/40.jpg">


  • 健康。自然。生命。
  • 經過醫級驗證的營養物質,可保持正常的血管功能
  • 膳食補充劑




  • 服用 Futurebiotics VeinFactors® 和多維生素。遠離酒精,因為酒精會讓腿部靜脈擴張。
  • 食用高纖維、低脂肪膳食,包括水果、蔬菜、全穀物。
  • 鹽(鈉)也會導致過度液體瀦留和腫脹。食用其他調料與配方來調節食物味道。


  • 為了促進迴圈,可進行 30 分鐘的中等強度下肢有氧運動,如跑步、慢跑、走路、騎車。
  • 避免長時間站立,每小時都四處走動走動。
  • 在站立時,經常變換位置。


  • 保持健康的體重,減少腿部和下肢的多餘壓力。
  • 妊娠期和更年期的荷爾蒙變化,以及服用荷爾蒙,也有可能給靜脈帶來意外壓力。與醫生討論可選擇的健康方案。


  • 盡可能將腿部抬到心臟以上的地方,這樣效果更好。
  • 受傷會加重靜脈蛛網紋,所以請小心。


瞭解靜脈健康,試圖優化靜脈健康、靜脈蛛網紋和蜘蛛狀血管病的外觀。研究表明關注飲食方案能夠非常優效地保持正常靜脈功能,可堅持 3-6 個月,看看是否出現優化。與醫生一起努力控制病因,追蹤自己的進步。

  • DiosVein™ 香葉木苷-受歡迎的歐洲微粒化萃取物質,實現健康的靜脈迴圈。
  • Venocin® - 已經證明能夠保護血管的馬栗樹籽提取物
  • Centellin® - 經過科學驗證,可保持正常的靜脈功能

醫級研究證明柑橘外皮、積雪草、馬栗樹中發現的優效天然成分能夠促進正常的靜脈功能。VeinFactors® 採用專利萃取物質、傳統化合物、天然輔助因數,促進正常的靜脈功能。

香葉木苷和橘皮苷是天然的黃酮類化合物,均可從柑橘外皮中提取。香葉木苷在歐洲被廣泛使用,這裡醫級研究證明這種物質能夠維持血管健康,促進健康的腿部迴圈。VeinFactors® DioVein 的香葉木苷採用微粒化,減小營養顆粒尺寸,實現更好的吸收與效力。

Venocin® 提取物來自馬栗樹籽,標準化為 20% 的七葉樹皂苷,這種三帖酸皂苷混合物能夠去除腫脹,同時保護健康的靜脈。Centellin® 提取物來自積雪草,標準化為 8% 的總三萜化合物,研究表明這種化合物有利於促進正常的靜脈功能。



VeinFactors® 添加了 Futurebiotics 的 BioAccelerators™ 專利成分,使用效果得到顯著提升。經科學驗證的 BioPerine®(胡椒粉提取物)可提高營養物質的生物利用度,而我們專有的生薑提取物、Trikatu、特強 Digezyme® 和 LactoSpore® 天然化合物可提高消化和吸收。

在來自 23 個國家的 3174 名病人中,91% 的人每日服用 1000 毫克香葉木苷黃酮混合物,證明產品具有很好的效能。


成年人用作膳食補充劑時,每日 3 粒,建議隨餐服用。

網路價:725元,結帳享5%折扣後 689